Surgery hours

 MUDr. Vaňkové (1. floor)
TU7:00 - 15:00
WE8:30 - 16:00
TH7:00 - 15:00
MUDr. Stašková: 242 426 422

    Services for the individual

    • Preventive examinations every two years covered by insurance for the clinic’s policyholders
    • An assessment of medical fitness (for driving motor vehicles, to study, sporting activities, firearms licence, etc.)
    • Administration of documents during sick leave
    • Medical findings for assessing health status for extra benefits and social security payments
    • Recommendation for spa care
    • Complete pre-operative examination
    • Vaccination – regular, emergency and upon request
    • Regular measuring of blood pressure, determination of cardiovascular risk and prevention
    • ECG examination with a description of the curve
    • Samples of biological material (swabs) for bacteriological testing
    • Examination of occult bleeding in the stool with a standardised test and an interpretation of the result (prevention of tumours of the colon)
    • Rational antibiotic treatment, including measurement with the QuickRead CRP device to diagnose inflammatory conditions (viral x bacterial)
    • „Health-Day“ – an above-standard comprehensive one-day health check
    • Premium program client cards

    Services for businesses

    • Standard and premium occupational care
    • „Health-Day“ – an above-standard comprehensive one-day health check

    Contact form

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